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Admission of children will be done depending on the vacancy in each class. The School reserves the right of admission. Submission of the application form does not guarantee admission.
Std I to IX
The school admits students in June every year.
Registrations for new admissions will be done in the school office.
Std XI
The following groups are offered.
Group I- Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Group II - Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Group III - Commerce, Accountancy, Economics and Business Mathematics.
Languages offered - German, French and Tamil.
For Class 11, The application form can be got from the school office. It should be submitted on the day of the State Board Std X results along with the required documents for further admission. Admission will be based on merit.
The following documents are essential for admission
Std I to Std XII
1. Transfer Certificate (Original)
2. Birth Certificate (Attested photo copy)
3. Passport size photograph-1 (recent)
4. Community certificate
5. Progress Report : I - X (Attested photo Copy)
Std X Mark Sheet : XI (Original)
Kindly contact the school office for more details.
* Online applications will be available soon. Please contact the school directly if you wish to apply now.
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